TeleHealth Visits $110

MedFast Urgent Care is offering TeleHealth visits. Call 321-MEDFAST, to schedule. We accept insurance. If you are paying by credit card the discounted rate is $110. Should you be instructed to see one of our medical providers the charge will be refunded at the time of visit.

On-Site Medication Dispensary

Phone: 321-MEDFAST

Fill medications on the spot, saving yourself a trip to the pharmacy.

For your convenience, we can fill most medications, prescribed by our medical providers, here in office.

Why choose our on-site dispensing?

  • Convenience - No additional trip to the pharmacy.  
  • Cost - All medications that we carry, are priced at $15.  This can be much lower for some patients who are self-pay or have a high-deductible plan.


What medications do you carrry?

We carry a variety of 40 different medications, that are commonly prescribed in an urgent care setting.  This list includes, but is not limited to, antibioitics, non-narcotic pain medications, steroids, topical ointments, and anti-virals.

Will my insurance cover the cost of the prescriptions?  What is the cost?

Our in-house medications are not filed through insurance.  We only accept cash or credit cards for the prescriptions.  All medications we carry cost $15/each.

Can I return a medication, previously purchased through MedFast?

No, once a medication is purchased, it cannot be returned.  We follow the same guidelines, in regards to returning medications, as retail pharmacies.

If you do have any other questions, please feel free to call any of the clinics for more information.

**We are unable to filll prescriptions, written by outside providers**